Intertwined for Higher Education

Elevate your students’ financial wellness with Intertwined’s nationally recognized financial literacy resources. Put Intertwined’s generative AI to work with our adaptive assessment tools and immersive simulators.

The Problem

Students are grappling with financial literacy challenges, often stressed about managing tuition and monthly expenses. Given the difficulty students face in navigating financial management while balancing academic demands, there's a critical gap for solutions that simplify understanding and managing personal finances.

Of College & University Students…


neglect studies due to financial concerns


report financial stress


are concerned about their monthly finances

Source: National Student Financial Wellness Study & Ohio State University

The Solution

Intertwined is an all-in-one financial wellness benefits solution for your institution’s students. Easily implement Intertwined as an asynchronous self-paced platform into your wellness packages.

Comprehensive Financial Wellness Resources

Intertwined provides curriculum content using generative AI to personalize the learning experience. Access free licensed financial advisors via HowMoneyWorks.

Gather Insights into Student Undertstanding Quickly

Intertwined’s AI-adaptive assessment tools provide data to administrators about student performance and literacy difficulty levels.

AI Gamification and Fun

Immerse students in real-life financial applications through Intertwined’s simulators. Leveraging generative AI, the Intertwined platform gamifies and makes learning fun and engaging.

Contact Us

Intertwined is a venture-backed EdTech startup run by university students. Honestly, we’re just as surprised as you are with our growth.